If you live in West Dunbartonshire and need to access any of our services please call us on one of the above numbers.
Emergency Food
We are delivering emergency food parcels to anyone in need across West Dunbartonshire, our food packs include fresh, frozen, ambient, bakery and toiletries as well as household cleaning items, baby items and pet food. Deliveries are made the next working day.
School Uniform Bank
We can provide new uniforms, school bags, jackets and shoes to those in need. This is dependant on funding and colour/size availability.
School Holiday Brunch Bags
During school holidays we provide brunch bags containing breakfast, lunch and snacks for each day that the school is off. This is for families who cannot afford the extra food costs. We are able to run this project due to funding from Cash for Kids and WDC Shine Project.
Fuel Bank
We have access to Emergency Vouchers, which are for Gas & Electricity Top Up Meters. The vouchers are for anyone accessing our service and in fuel crisis. To apply you must meet our eligibility criteria.
Christmas Toybank
Last year we provided each child with a large gift bag containing 8 - 10 lovely gifts. These children otherwise would not have have had the same magical experience as others at Christmas. We are able to do this through the generous donations from individuals, groups, educational establishments, council employees, trade unions, churches, supermarkets, shops, local businesses and Glasgow's Spirit of Christmas.
In August 2019 we started a Babybank, using donations from the West Dunbartonshire community to provide baby clothes and equipment to families and local agencies working with children. This project is also very much about recycling.
We would not be able to successfully run any of these Projects without the support of our many funders and also the generous donations from individuals, educational establishments, trade unions, council employees, churches, groups, supermarkets, shops and local businesses.
Thank you
Aurora House
Golden Jubilee Hospital, main reception
Keystores - Kilbowie Road, Hardgate, Parkhall & Faifley Road (money donation box)
Sainsburys Drumchapel
Lidl - Yoker
TLC Pharmacy Duntocher
WDC, Church Street Office
Some local schools also have donation points for pupils/staff, as well as local businesses...ask if your school or workplace is involved.
Let us know if you would like to get involved with your workplace and we can arrange collection.
Donations can also be handed into our Base at:
Unit 21, Leven Valley Enterprise Centre
Castlehill Road
G82 5BN
Online supermarket deliveries can also be sent to this address during opening hours.
Money donations can be handed into our Base or by direct transfer to the Charity Account:
Reliance Bank
Sort Code 60 01 73
A/C Number 00219638
A/C Name West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare
See our Facebook page for Toybank donation points.
Thank you for your continued support.
April 2016 - WDC Provost Awards:
Community/Voluntary Champion (Team) Winners
West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare
March 2017 - WDC Provost Awards:
Community/Voluntary Champion (Team) Runner Up
West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare - Toy-bank
June 2022 - SCVO Scottish Charity Awards Finalists
Community Action
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